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The day before chemo

Calm before the Storm otherwise known as the day before chemo.

We had sweet time at church this morning.  It will be several many weeks/months before Zine and I are back!  So it was nice to be there this morning.  Thank you to our sweet church family for praying for us this morning!  We love and cherish your prayers during this season.

Krisann has been very needy today.  I have held that girl almost nonstop.  Even first thing this morning when I was trying to put my make up on she wanted me to hold her.  So guess what, I held her.  Who knew you needed a baby back pack for a 7 year old?  I wouldn’t have missed holding her for the world.  She needed a good bit of security to say the least.  She even kept her cheek on mine when I was holding her.  This is also the way she was during church as well.

It took me all afternoon to pack.  I was slow!  But I did mange to pack and get everything loaded.  Then it was time for goodbyes.  Conner had left a few minutes earlier for a Super Bowl Party.  So he had already said goodbyes.  The girls though…Krisann needed that last bit of holding and love but didn’t pitch a fit or cry lots.  At least not while we were there.  Chloe struggled to say the least.  She’s really been unsettled about this whole process and it was quite difficult to leave her upset.

The night before chemo and it’s Super Bowl Sunday.  We missed the first part of the Super Bowl as we were in transit.  But we did watch a lot of the game while eating some White Chicken Chili for dinner.  We are living it up I tell you!  No wild parties here.  We are just about to head to bed.  We begin at 8 am in the morning.  We think!!  We were so stressed over getting medicine delivered that none of us asked what time, but we’re pretty certain it is 8! At least that’s when we are showing up.  So I do pray it is the right time or at least that we will be early and not late.

Zine is taking many meds in prep for this chemo.  He has anti viral meds, anti fungal meds, antibiotics, stomach meds, allergy meds, steroids for after chemo, plus his normal meds.  Here’s a glimpse of his morning dose of pills. And this handful is missing one that he takes.   He takes pills three other times during the day.  But thankfully morning and night are the worst!

We definitely covet your prayers during this season.  I went back and read about the week long chemo last year.  I was amazed at how much I had wiped out of my memory.  So after reading it, I was very quickly reminded of how horrible that week was.  I am praying for a better week this time!  Pray for our entire family as it has definitely taken a toll on our kiddos this time as well.  There has been an extremely heavy feeling leading up to this.

However, at the same time of dreading this week and the recovery, I have a peace.  I’m not totally falling apart.  Sad, yes.  Anxious over what this years story will be, yes.  But amidst that, there is a peace in my heart and I know that is because of your prayers.  I do expect tomorrow to be difficult for me.  And then by 3 or 4 tomorrow afternoon, Zine will begin to feel totally awful so my emotions will go away when I enter care taking mode.  I will post short updates on our Facebook page tomorrow.  And tomorrow night, I will post a summary of our day!  Thank you for joining us on our journey!



Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kate Smith

    Praying for you all today!

  2. Aunt Elaine

    Sending love and prayers.

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