Father’s Day

Father’s Day…

A Time to love on your dad!

A Time to remember your dad!

A Time to thank your dad for all he does!

But what happens when all the things daddies do at home is slowly being taken away? 
Well, I think you focus on the things you can do not the things you can’t.

What happens when your baby girl says…”Daddy doesn’t ever believe he is special!  But tomorrow, we are going to rock it!”
Well…you laugh and then you cry!

What happens when your baby girl prays…”Please take my daddy’s MS away but God I’m scared you won’t.”
Well….I guess you keep on believing. Believing God for miracles!

Sometimes I wonder how much Krisann understands and how much she knows.  But  then ever once in awhile she will say things like she did tonight and she gives us glimpses into what she knows.  I am always thankful for those glimpses!

I was talking with Conner this week and I shared with him that although I was very sad of the things we had lost because of MS, I was also very grateful for what he and Chloe had learned through this process and how God had used it to make them look at life differently!

On this Father’s Day…

We are remembering that even in the midst of MS, God is using Zine to teach our children what it means to persevere under trial!   That’s a life lesson everyone needs to understand and Zine Smith is living that out right before our own eyes! 

We will cry over the father roles that have been lost.

We will laugh about the time that Zine almost rolled down the stairs in his wheelchair!  Conner and Chloe always laugh when they think of that!  I sure hate I missed that excursion!

We will keep on believing God for a miracle!

We most definitely love you Zine Smith!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.