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Easter During Quarantine

My mind started thinking today about Easter during the quarantine. What are we going to do?

At my house, Easter has been a largely celebrated holiday.  It is central to our faith.  Another reason we celebrate Easter is Easter was a holiday that I enjoyed with my immediate family, and I did not share it with others in our family.  I know that sounds selfish, but for years we celebrated Christmas away from home, so Easter was our holiday.  Through the years, we have done many different Easter activities. However, Christ-centered Easter baskets were a faithful addition to our celebration each year.

For some of you, I know Easter is a large family gathering.  If I may offer you any comfort, Easter within your own family can be some of the most special, sacred times together.  With fond memories, my grown children talk about things that we have done in previous years.  While you may not be within a large family gathering, I pray that it will be an Easter that in years to come your family looks back on with fond memories.

Easter Basket Dilemmas

As the idea of Easter arose in my mind, I immediately thought of Amazon.  Maybe Amazon will have basket items for me.  I spent hours searching through Amazon.  I filled my cart with possibilities only to realize most of what was in my cart was not guaranteed to get here by Easter.

Most stores are closed at the current time.  A few are available for curbside pick up.  Some are closed temporarily and some of my regular stops for Easter basket items had permanently closed earlier this year.  The stores that are open, I don’t want to go in and shop!  If I have to go to the store, it is straight in and straight out.  Lingering in a store is a no-go for most of us right now.

So that leaves me wondering…what’s a mom to do?

As I have allowed my mind to be creative today, the ideas eventually started rolling around in my head.  Simply stated, Easter 2020 is not supposed to look like Easters past.  Easter 2020 is supposed to look different.  Looking different does not equal a terrible Easter.  As a matter of fact, instead of allowing my mind to sulk on the fact that I’m not going to have beautiful, Christ-centered Easter baskets, I allowed my mind to open up new possibilities for creativity and memories.

If I may be honest for a moment, I’m getting excited about what Easter in quarantine might look like.

10 Creative Ideas for Easter During Quarantine

If you need some ideas to help get you out of your Easter funk and get your mind to thinking creatively, I have made a resource for you.  I have taken some of my creative Easter ideas and created an e-book entitled, 10 Creative Ideas for Easter During Quarantine.  If you need pictures and more help, please email me at [email protected].  I would love to help you create your best Easter ever!

Please visit my website at to download the free ebook today.  If you don’t mind, please spread the message that Easter in quarantine is not ruined!

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Feel free to forward this post to a friend and/or post on your social media outlets!  Together we can make Easter in quarantine a celebration to fondly remember in years to come.


Download Free Ebook Now at

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Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Katie Teesdale

    Thank you for joining the cause to make Easter happen this year!

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