Oops a fall!!

Zine celebrated his 42nd bday this week!  We didn’t do much to celebrate.  I had always said I was going to plan a party for his 42nd bday.  But planning parties…not much my specialty right now.  But tonight, he and I decided we were going to Starbucks.  He had a bday drink coupon that expired today.  I am cleaning up kitchen.  He decides he is going to try to put on his shoes??!!  To help me out at that!!  Ummm….bad idea!  Oooops!!  Conner gone.  Zine fell.  Not a good combination.  No one but me to get Zine up out of the floor.   So I thought I might just give you a glimpse into what that looks like…
1.  I take his socks off.  No one can get up with slick socks!
2.  I try to move his leg and he very grumpily says let go of my leg before you break it.  So when Zine is grumpy and not working with me I have learned to just disappear.  I used to get mad but now I just stop.
3.  Zine wiggles around in the floor.
4.  Zine asks for help.  I ask if he’s going to yell at me if I move his leg.  He says no.
5.  This time I try to put Zine’s knees up under him and twist him around to his chair.  Didn’t work.
6.  I say can I call our neighbor to come help before we both exhaust ourselves.  The answer…not yet.
7.  I now pull Zine’s pants legs up so his skin on his knees will be on the floor.  Less slipping.
8.  He reminds me about the gait belt.  Oh happy day, why had I not remembered to get the gait belt.
9.  Gait belt on, pants legs pulled up, socks off,  knees underneath him, his feet between mine so they won’t go anywhere, 1, 2, 3, let’s go.
Success or not?  This was the last try before I said we’re done.  And somehow someway, I was able along with a little help from him to pull him up and sort of get him in his recliner.   But he was all crooked.  
10.  Recline chair and get straight.
11.  Untangle the cath bag that has managed to get all wrapped around him.
12.  Crisis solved.  This time.  My upper body is exhausted.  My right arm is still shaky hours later!  Sure am glad I have been working those scrawny little arms out some!  Think they need some more weight lifting!
But a few awesome things happened…
I didn’t get mad at him for being rude at first.
I worked towards a solution alongside him.
I didn’t panic nor feel overwhelmed.
I put his shoes on as I almost always do.
And…I still took him to Starbucks for his bday drink.  
Ha…he thought after the fall, he had missed his trip to Starbucks! However, my friend’s husband fell today and he is in hospital with bleeding in his brain. So I just went back and finished cleaning the kitchen, giving thanks that Zine wasn’t hurt, and then enjoyed about an hour with my man at Starbucks.  Wonderful weather to sit outside.  All was going great until my wonderful hubby decides to do this…
Really, what makes him think he can lean back, recline, and put his feet up in the air at Starbucks???  Really??!!   LOL!!  I told him he was embarrassing me acting like that!  He said it’s my birthday I can!  
Happy Birthday to this wonderful guy!  And as I shared with him tonight, there’s only one Zine.  No one will ever replace him.  So he just might as well want to stay here with us for as long as possible because him not being here would leave holes that would never be filled.  So when he thinks he has no purpose, to just look around his family and understand that he will NEVER be replaced!   He talks to much to be replaced!  Ha! 
In all seriousness, pray for Zine.  To go from working full time to being at home on disability, is really hard.  He is really struggling through some issues right now and rightfully so!  So just join me in praying that God would make it very clear His purpose for  Zine’s life and our lives!  Our hearts desire has always been to serve God where He plants us.  Now it feels like we are planted at home.  Which can tend to leave us feeling a bit self focused but yet not much time nor energy to serve elsewhere.  God has a plan.  God has a purpose for each circumstance.  I do not doubt that.  And I know that God will use each and every circumstance.  Even an ooops circumstance!  


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Becci DeFrank

    So happy he wasn't hurt and even happier he got his Starbucks ☕️️ Love you guys and love how you are growing. Praying for Zine to discover his new purpose.

  2. Renee

    Getting one's coffee on their bday is important. Glad that despite the struggle both of you managed to enjoy your time at Starbucks

  3. Terry DeBrow

    First, Happy Belated Birthday Zine! I agree with you Karen, God has a purpose for us all. I will be praying for peace of mind, comfort and growth for all of you.

  4. Karen

    Love you friend! I'm ready for some time with you!

  5. Karen

    Yes it is very important! They don't give you much time to use it! And you know it has to be the best! I think it was like $8 drink!! 😉 It made him happy! And kept him up late! But that's okay!

  6. Karen

    Thank you! Praying for your family as well!

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