Waiting on Answers

We thought yesterday we would get final answers to what Zine needs, but we are still waiting for answers.  We saw the orthopedic nurse practitioner, and she felt like surgery was needed.  However, when she went out and discussed with the doctor, they decided to wait one week, take X-rays again, and then decide.

Zine has two breaks.  The unusual thing about his breaks is at each break there are fractures that sort of crisscross the breaks.

I know you can’t see the fractures, but you can see the breaks.  To me, the top break looks worse than the bottom, but it’s actually the bottom that is the concern.

In this side view, you can see the bone is sliding backward and not lining up correctly.  This is the break that the nurse practitioner says needs to be fixed.

We appreciate a conservative approach.  Surgery with Zine’s MS could be a risky procedure.  However, part of us feels like we are putting off the inevitable and prolonging this recovery process. It’s a season where we are learning to trust in God’s timing and God’s healing.

Whether he has surgery or not, he must be nonweight bearing for quite some time.  Six to eight weeks is an optimistic estimate.  His body is slower to heal for some reason.  I’m sure it has to do with MS. So I won’t be surprised if it’s longer than that.

The nurse practitioner complimented Zine on the fact when he did something, he did it superbly well.  However, we wish he hadn’t have done this so well.

Two Doctors

Not only are we working with the orthopedic team, but we are also working with Zine’s MS team.  We will make a trip to Cullman on Friday for an appt with MS doctor.

The orthopedic doctor wondered if some IV steroids might help Zine. The MS doctor will be the one to make that call.

Zine already had some MS issues going on that needed to be addressed as well.  Friday will be a long, hard day.  Traveling hurts Zine immensely.  Every bump is painful.  The OT gave us some ideas today to try to help the trip be more bearable for him.  However, the trip is absolutely necessary.  We need Dr. L’s input.

Home Health

Home health has started.  My house is going to become a revolving door of medical professionals. Nurses, bath aides, physical therapists, occupational therapists are going to change the dynamics of my home.  I’m super grateful for those that are coming to help.  I need all the help I can get!  However, it drastically changes the dynamics.  It’s hard to do school work when people are in and out of your house.

Last night, I was super discouraged.  Tonight, I’m a bit more hopeful.  The OT worked with Zine today.  Not only did he assess where Zine was and our procedures for transferring, he encouraged us immensely.  We feel defeated, yet, he encouraged us with hope.  I know, he gets paid to do that, but we were needing a little encouragement today.  Thankful that God provided that in the form of an occupational therapist.

We also have a Hoyer lift now.  Friends of ours were able to secure this lift for us.  We are so grateful.  The OT instructed us on how to use it.  Tomorrow the PT is coming, and I think we will actually try it for the first time.  I’m thankful to have someone here to do it with me.  I have been very intimidated by the lift for some reason.  I think because my husband is intimidated by it, it has affected my anxiety as well.  Everyone tells us that we will love it, once we get over the initial anxiety.  And I can say, the commode and this transfer board is about to make me say curse words.

Overwhelmed but Loved

We are overwhelmed.  There has been little sleep in a week.  We still don’t know if Zine will have surgery or not.  It just feels like too much.  However, we are feeling loved in the middle of overwhelming circumstances.  That is a blessing.

Continued Prayers

We do ask for continued prayers.  We have a long road ahead of us.  Our sweet Krisann started tonight having a difficult time processing it all.  Conner has been a rockstar.  He has been extremely hands-on in helping me with Zine.  However, I’m sad he has to do that! Chloe is ready for us to use the lift!  We are all affected for sure.  My body is wearing thin right now.  This caregiving role is a tough one at the current moment.  I know God is my sustainer, even in my exhaustion!

That’s all for now.  Zine is patiently waiting for me to take him to bed!  🙂



Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Pat S.

    Hugs precious.

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