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When Life Seems Impossible

When life seems impossible…ever felt that way?  People are tugging at you to do things.  Just last week I got so mad at my husband because he said something about cleaning our table off so we could eat at it.  So even though I didn’t want to, I cleaned the table off.  Guess what, the next night Krisann and I sat at the table and ate, and he sat in his chair…I guess you can say that didn’t sit too well with me.

My kids have ALL gotten on my nerves at one point or another.  Can they just stop??  Really how hard is it to put your clothes up after I wash them?  Do you have to sleep with clean clothes on your bed?  Or why can’t you put up the craft supplies you got out instead of leaving them on the floor.  Oh well, the table was all full, so we’ll just leave them on the floor of the study.  The chaos only spread.  You want me to give you comfort and enter your world after you’ve been disrespectful and rude?

Getting dressed, impossible as well.  My arm doesn’t go behind my back, and it doesn’t go up high enough to slip into the sleeve of my shirts that fit.  And my shoulder is still swelling so by the end of the day it definitely won’t come out of clothes that fit.

[bctt tweet=”But God, is the God of possible.  Nothing is impossible with Him.” username=”kksmith8694″]

When you’re down in grief, you read a friend’s post like this that just encourages you to keep on keeping on.

When you choose four different shirts before you find one that works and you’re feeling very frumpy about yourself, and the first person you see says, I love your outfit today!  What a fun way that God sends encouragement in those seemingly impossible tasks.

My husband, whom can get on my nerves at times, has given me much grace and permission to grieve.  What a great blessing in the middle of grief for my husband to say you have every right to cry or be angry.  I understand.  Thank you, Jesus, for his sweet encouragement.

Those moments when you think you have no comfort to give, somehow God makes the impossible possible.  In your dry season, God somehow infuses His strength into your heart, and you sit down on the bed with your child and comfort the dark place in their heart.  With God all things are possible because I assure you, I haven’t had it in me to do this!

Laundry…one day you’ll have a spouse that sleeps in bed with you, and I’ll be wishing it was your laundry I’m sure!  Sometimes God gives us humorous perspectives to help us keep going.  I’m sure a spouse isn’t going to sleep on top of clean clothes.

This flower voluntarily sprung up in the cracks of my dad’s sidewalk.  Not only did it spring up, but it also managed to live all summer long in that crack.  That should not have been possible.  But with God all things are possible.  I love the fact that my dad left that flower there in the crack.

[bctt tweet=”God makes the impossible possible every day.” username=”kksmith8694″]

Impossible isn’t just the huge project you have at work or the big science fair project.  Impossible happens every day as we go throughout life.  And God is there making all things possible.  The question is, do we recognize God’s miracles in our everyday life?  When God gives us new perspectives when He sends people to encourage us with something as simple as I like your outfit, when people give you grace and when your strength is miraculously renewed?

[bctt tweet=”Watch for the little ways God turns impossible into possible in your everyday life.” username=”kksmith8694″]




Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.