Transitions and Adjustments

No update for a couple of days.  No time and no energy for an update.

Zine was moved Tuesday afternoon to Healthsouth Rehab.  It wasn’t necessarily what we wanted to do but medical staff said we just had to.  So we did.  I had no peace about that.  Tuesday night was awful.  Pretty sure I think I must have had a total emotional breakdown.  Glad I had mine last night because Zine has had his today!

Today has been learning how to give yourself a bath in bed and trying to learn to use the transfer board.   It’s getting easier from wheelchair to bed.  But to anything else it is impossible.  So we definitely have some work to do before we get to come home.  Although Zine says he is coming home on Friday!    Neither of us or are children are content.

We definitely have a long road ahead of us.  A LONG road!!  We are all struggling emotionally.  Words can not even describe…

Visiting hours are from 4 to 8 Monday thru Saturday.  And 12 to 8 on Sunday.   Sometimes they give passes to go home on weekend but I’m betting we don’t get one of those this weekend!  We can be here anywhere from 7 to 21 days.  Zine says 3!

The only way I can describe this whole experience is it is a complete nightmare.  Our faith is weak.  Last night I had none…it vanished somehow.   But our faith is struggling!  Our hearts are broken.  The depths of the emotional toll can never be explained.

 God has not stilled the storm.  And He has not stilled us yet.  So we are praying and waiting on Him to still us or still the storm.


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Renee

    Thanks for the update Karen. I have shared the info with the FPCT board. I know you dont like to ask but please let us know what we can do for your family

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