The Cancer Center

A place that no one ever ever wants to visit!    On Dec. 1, we saw our oncologist for the first time.  We knew the inevitable so there was no new information presented.  Other than before we can take this chemo, Zine will have to have a port.  The chemo is so toxic that even if a tiny bit dripped out of a vein it could be a terrible thing!!  So….a port placement surgery is scheduled.  We visited the infusion center and met some of the nurses.  We were educated on what a port was and got to see one in person!  And before that Zine must have some super duper heart test done as this chemo can affect your heart.   So…on Dec. 2 Zine has a check up from his surgery with the urology from his cath surgery and on Dec. 3, Zine will have a fancy heart test done.  On Dec. 4, he will go to hospital for his second surgery in the matter of a week and couple of days…a port placement!  And follow that up on Friday with his first chemo treatment!

Life continues to spin out of control.  We continue to put one foot in front of the other.  That’s the only option.  We would love to just stop, sit down, cross our arms in the middle of life and quit.  But…that’s not an option.  It doesn’t accomplish anything so we keep on keeping on.  That’s all we can do!  Keep on keeping on!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.