The New Adventure

Friday brings two big appointments.

At 9:30 we meet with the oncologist and receive nitty gritty details of this season of our life.

At 11:30 we meet with the vascular surgeon who will explain even more details to us!

We will have a busy weekend of trying to finish up Christmas shopping, choir practices and Christmas musical, and a bit of fun for our kids hopefully, before chaos ensues.

Monday Zine will have an outpatient surgery where they place a central line!  Yes, he will then have a port and a central line.  Just sounds like a recipe for disaster to me!  But…we trust in the doctors making the decisions!!  And then after the line is placed he will have his first procedure with his blood of removing his attacker cells!!

Please pray that we would be able to process the needed details tomorrow.  And pray for our emotional stamina.

And really, for me (Karen), I don’t think I have ever had a season in my life where I feel as alone as I do right now.  The aloneness is often very overwhelming.  I know there are a lot of people loving us and praying for us, but that doesn’t remove the smothering aloneness I have felt the past several weeks.   I try the majority of the time to hold my head high and march on with life!  But I have my moments and the past few days, I have had  many moments!  But I am doing what I know to do, I am begging God for Him to do in my life what He desires to do in me!

As far as Zine, he is dreading yet another surgery.  But he is such a trooper.  I would complain loudly over and over again!  And he really doesn’t!  On occasion, he will complain!  But when he has a plan and he knows what has to happen he is the best patient ever.  So that’s where he is.  Dreading the surgery but resigned to this is the way it is and he just “wheels” forward!

Let the New Adventure begin!  An unknown Adventure, uncertain of the outcomes, and unsettling the insides.  Intimidating and scary.  Reminding ourselves to trust in the One who holds all the details of our lives in His hand!  And continuing to trust that our doctors are working for our best interest!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Renee

    Praying you through this morning

  2. Karen

    Thank you! We indeed did survive! Now to get through Monday and I think we might settle a bit. Maybe….

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