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Laughter in the Midst of My Frustration

In the “Grumpy to Grateful” group, we exchanged stories last week about times when we experienced God’s blessing of laughter in the midst of struggles. [bctt tweet=”Sometimes, in the face of stress, God sends us a bit of laughter to lighten our hearts and boost our spirits!  ” username=”kksmith8694″]

This week has been full of stress.

–Chloe has been extremely sick this week.  We made an ER visit thinking it was a migraine, but she still struggles.  Yesterday, the doctor finally, made the connection that maybe it was a decrease in medication that we made a bit over a week and a half ago, taking effect on her.  Last night we upped that medication back, and today there seems to be a bit of improvement.  She has been one sick girl this week!

Finally, a bit better today!

–The financial aid office denied Conner’s financial aid package, which came as one sizeable stressful surprise.  After hours of work on Zine’s part, the mystery of why was solved, and we have now appealed that decision.  Stressful does not even begin to describe this experience.  We continue to pray for God’s blessing through that appeal.

–Tomorrow, Zine has an appt at 9:00 am at Huntsville Hospital for some vascular studies to be done, then we go and meet with the vascular surgeon regarding the issues with his foot that we talked about here.  He has verbally shared with some friends how much he is dreading this appointment.  He so vulnerably shared how depressing it was to add yet another specialist to his list of doctors.  Anxiety dwells in both of our hearts over our appointments tomorrow.

It has been a week that could have wiped us out!  And I won’t lie, it almost has!

Tomorrow hasn’t come and gone yet, so I might not should brag too quickly!  However, I have been dwelling on this thought lately.


[bctt tweet=”When we aren’t all caught up in grumpy, we can see God at work in the midst of our chaos.  ” username=”kksmith8694″]

Thankfully, despite the stresses of this week, I have been able to see God at work!

Grace means a gift from God.

Krisann Grace is a gift from God without a doubt!

Krisann continually brings blessing into my life!  She often causes me to slow down and see God’s goodness!  This week she wanted to go on a run with me; I agreed.  The first half mile she was awesome.  The second half mile she was slow.  The next mile was just a stroll.  In that stroll with her, God allowed me to see a piece of her heart and encouraged me with how good He is by noticing the beautiful leaves together.




God gives us gifts in the midst of struggles.  God also sends laughter in the middle of struggles.  Today, God sent us laughter.  We thought we would have a little fun and share that laughter with you.  What could have been an incredibly frustrating experience in the middle of this stressful week, God chose to bless us with laughter instead of frustration!  Thank you, Jesus!

May I introduce to you…Just click and enjoy!

Marriage Moments with the Smiths








Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Karen

    I always try to find the “silver lining” in every situation. It used to make my family mad but now I’ve noticed they do it too 🙂

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