Keep on keepin’ on

Most of my teacher friends have now finished teaching and are enjoying their summer.  I keep reminding myself that they are going back to work while I still have a couple of weeks left.  But every year at this time, I get a bit jealous!  I told my students today that my brain was mush!!  And it indeed seems like mush! Finishing up my last two weeks of school.  Next week should be my fun, enjoy my students week.  Get to let my creativity shine during that time.  However, I will spend next week in Columbus, Ohio taking Chloe back to see this famous doctor!  So I will miss my fun week with my students.  And will have to really work on things my sub can do instead of how much fun I can have!  I have no words for how bummed I am about that.  I will make it home late Wednesday night and will be exceptionally tired but will spend my last day with my students next Thursday.

I am looking forward to some down time for sure!  But I’m worried about my down time as well.  My work has been my escape.  If I have gotten upset, then I just go get on my computer and work!  If my emotions are getting the best of me, I can put them aside because I have work to do.  I’m quite fearful that I may have a hard time emotionally once the pressure of school work is removed from my shoulders.  But as I feel my insides getting churned up, I remind myself that it will just be another lesson in keep on keepin’ on.

A little secret about me…I’ve always wanted a tatoo!  Except…I’m exceptionally afraid of needles and pain.  So…therefore I’ve never been tempted to go get one.  But…I saw this picture and thought, I need that tatoo!

That’s how I can summarize life right now…Keep on keepin’ on!  And I feel very guilty about that thought process.  I want to do more than keep on keepin’ on!  I want life to be beautiful!  I want things to be good!  I want family vacations to happen!   I want MS to be healed.  I want an emotionally healthy family!  I want my mama to hug me again and have a real conversation with me where I see her big heart!  I want a lot of things and I always feel guilty about the keep on keepin’ on mentality.  But let’s be real…everyone finds themselves in modes of just keep on keepin’ on!  And I have decided that instead of having to feel guilty about that mentality, that God is proud of that attitude.  Life is sometimes hard!  But our job is to keep on keepin’ on. 

Keep on believing God for miracles.
Keep on knowing that God is in control.
Keep on trusting that God is working His plans out for your life.
Keep on loving God and loving others!
Keep on getting up and facing whatever the day has to offer! 
Keep on relying on His power to carry you through difficult situations.

When I can look at in that perspective, I don’t think there is anything to feel guilty about keep on keepin’ on.   I think God is pleased with that perspective.  Now if I can turn my faulty guilt ridden thoughts around and believe them…that is the difficult part. 


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.