Bald Friends

Zine has such great friends!!  Several of his friends shaved their heads as way to show support!

Our pastor and Zine’s first friend in Huntsville!  Jeremy and Zine were in the same office as Teaching Assistants at UAH!  Jeremy was a friend that was prayed for very much.  Zine had prayed and prayed that when he entered the science field at UAH that God would give him a friend of like faith!  And on the 2nd day…these Zine and Jeremy met!  That was in 1993!  So…they’ve been friends for awhile.

And not only our pastor but our pastor and his sons shaved their heads as well!!

The drama daddies!!  These two got to know each other at the children’s theater where our children were involved.  Little did we know that we would develop such a sweet relationship with them and that they would now be some of our biggest supporters!

  Oh….and I think some of those drama nights took root in them…just meet the new Anna and Elsa!

Bald friends are definitely some of the best!!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.