Back to Ohio we go

We are headed back to Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Ohio.  I am taking both girls with me and we are driving this time.  I’m a bit nervous about such a trip by myself!  But…I’m growing up and learning to do things alone!  So..I’m sure we’ll be just fine!  We will drive part of the way tomorrow and the rest on Monday!  We are staying again at our home away from home…the Ronald McDonald House.  Doctors appt is Tuesday morning.  It will take most all day to see all the doctors and get whatever done they want us to do!  And then if we are not needed for further testing, we will head home on Wednesday.  I hope to drive the entire way on Wednesday…but that’s gonna be a hard day!!  But…I sure am hoping that my plan works out!!  However, I know it is my plan and God may have different plans.  But…I’m praying my plans are His plans!!  :o)

Conner will be here holding down the fort.  Since we do not have two accessible vehicles, he will be taxi driver for Zine to and from work!  It will be putting together wheelchair and taking apart wheelchair everytime.  Not going to be a lot of fun and it’s going to be alot of work…but it’s a plan to allow us to do everything we need to do with two different people who both need their wheelchairs!   I forsee in our very near future, some fundraising for a second accessible vehicle! 

I have been in a sprint the past two days trying to get things ready for my last week of school to pass off to my aide.  On top of keeping up with our Arkansas family that is trying to survive a massive flood, we are continuing to be slammed by a very stressful situation that continues to wreak havoc in our lives; in addition, there is normal life stuff like laundry, packing, etc.

As of 12:12 am, the girls are packed.  My school is uploading as I type this.  My laundry is done.  I think I can take a few deep breaths now!  Whew!!  I’m saving my packing until in the morning!  But we are in no hurry to leave so that will be fine!

Please pray for safety while we travel.  Pray for Zine and Conner that they will manage the stress here just fine!  And that they would have some sweet daddy son time.  Pray for continued wisdom on this doctor’s part Chloe is to see.  I’m still holding my breath and saying my prayers that these numerous different things will eventually all be put under one umbrella!  Pray for Chloe and her emotional status while we are gone!  Pray that Krisann would be on her very best behavior.  And that we would have some sweet girl time together despite the reason for the trip!  And continue to pray for my family in Arkansas who are trying to survive a flood!

I shared this picture in our update from our first trip to Ohio.  But just wanted to share this quote again.  With literal flooding, I always think of rainbows!  And my family is in the middle of a HUGE storm of life!  So, a little reminder to look for the rainbows that come after the storm!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Renee

    Praying for safe travels

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