We Will Not Be Shaken

Music speaks to my heart more than most sermons!  And through the last several months there are many songs that have brought me to tears!  There are many songs that God is using in my life to teach me more about Him.  I’ll be sharing more about that in posts to come!  But there is a song that has been the hope that I have claimed.  Some days I listen to this song over and over in a day…  We Will Not be Shaken.

“Though the battle rages, we will stand in the fight.  Though the armies rise up against us on all sides…we will not be shaken.  For in the hour of our darkest day, we won’t be afraid.  Hope is rising like the light of dawn, Our God is for us He has overcome!  For we trust in our God, through His unfailing love, we will not be shaken.”

I FEEL like my entire word has been shaken up and turned upside down and spilled out everywhere!  It feels like a big mess!  No…a gigantic mess!  But in those times when it feels like my heart is breaking, I will listen to this song!   What I am reminded of is that my foundation is in Jesus Christ!  I know that!  And I’m so thankful that I have complete assurance that I know Jesus as Lord!  I have a personal relationship with Him.    I haven’t doubted that fact since I was 14 years old!!  And when my foundation is with Jesus, I will stand firm. Yes, it will feel like I have been shaken!  But in the middle of feeling all shaken and spilled out, my job is to trust God!  His love will never fail me!  He is for me!!  Really, He is for me?  That’s where I’ve had to camp out and talk to God about this for awhile now.  I still talk to Him about it.

My conversations sound something like this…God if you are really for me…you would not be allowing these struggles!

And God says, if you didn’t have these struggles, I couldn’t overcome them for you!  Trust Me, Karen.

I respond:   I do trust you God but…then I come up with an entire list of contingencies for when I will and will not trust Him.
–God I trust you but I’m afraid if we seek to publicly have people pray for healing in Zine and he’s not healed, then I’m afraid my faith isn’t strong enough.  I don’t want to put myself in a place where if you didn’t heal that I would be bitter!
–God I trust you but you don’t understand the pain it is causing my entire family or else you wouldn’t allow this.
–God I trust you but I’m going to hold my heart back because it feels hurt by you.
–God I trust you but my faith is shaken to its very core.
 –God I trust you, but if we’re going through this just so other people can see our faith and be inspired..it’s not worth it God.
–God I trust you, but you obviously don’t see what this disease is doing to my family!
–God I trust you, but…the list goes on.

God simply says, trust me Karen.  No buts.  Just trust me.  In your darkest hour, trust me…don’t be afraid.  I am fighting for you!  So…I spend many hours listening to this song and praying God help me trust you!  I can’t see what you are doing.  It doesn’t feel right and it definitely doesn’t make me my heart leap with joy!  But help me trust you during this time.

Some days…I do this well.  Other days…I do this terribly!  Some moments…I do this well.  Other moments…I do this terribly.  But life is all about learning to trust God daily, to trust God each moment.  I shall definitely NOT be perfect!  So…my goal is when I am in those moments when I can’t breathe and I feel shaken and spilled out, to come to this song and let it be a reminder to me that I will not be shaken if I trust in Him!  He is for me!  Help me not be afraid, Jesus.  Give me hope, Father!  Help me stand in the fight and not give up!  Help me step back and let you fight for me!  Help me trust you with no buts!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.