Two weeks of chaos

Do you ever feel like when it rains it pours??  I’ve kinda felt that way the past two weeks.

–A week in Ohio doing medical stuff in a new place with new doctors alone.
–A 5 year old with  croup quickly followed by two ruptured ear drums.
–A husband whose MS decided to shut his body down.
–A day of doctors phone calls, blood work, trip to Cancer Center to have port flushed, and to the urologist to have cath changed.  Yep…all in one day!
–A broken heart at just watching my spouse suffer to no end.
–A marriage that has had its moments of struggling.
–A mom with Alzheimer’s disease.
–A week with technology problems at work.
–A daughter starting new medicine and working to figure out how to reduce side effects.
–Another daughter who decides to be allergic to some medicine and develops horrible hives.
–A lot of phone calls and emails to follow up from trip to Ohio.
–A foot that hasn’t healed as quickly as desired.
–A special prayer of healing and I was forgotten about in that process and missed being a part of that or even watching it happen which resulted in a lot of sadness when I should have been thankful and grateful.
–An overwhelmed feeling of being alone.

I’m sure I left things off that list!  No wonder I’m feeling tired, exhausted, and just plain depressed!

But in the middle of this chaos, God has sent blessings.
–A therapy dog to love and cuddle on the first night in a strange place.  We won’t even mention the Ohio Buckeyes that came that night as well.
–A Ronald McDonald house right across the street from where we spent so much time.
–A mom and 14 year old daughter whom we had never met just happened to come see Chloe and I minutes after Chloe had emotionally broken down.
–Nice doctors and nurses.  Always worry when I meet new ones!
–Dinners provided on crazy days.
–A neurologist who cares deeply.
–Pediatricians who will see patients on Saturdays.  Two Saturdays in a row at that!
–Sweet friends who have cared for and loved my children.
–A free movie night.
–A friend who sends me messages and says I care about what you’re going through.  And who listens even when I’m so mad and upset that I say not nice words!  A friend who speaks truth to me!  A friend who loves so well even from afar!
–Snow and Ice days that made recovering from chemo for my husband much easier!  In the weeks that his blood counts were the lowest, numerous days he was stuck at home.  Totally positive that helped in the recovery!
–A son who will chip ice away on the part of the driveway that gets no sun even after taking care of a sick 5 year old for a week!
–A daughter who will babysit so Zine and I can go watch our free movie!

And in the middle of this chaos, God has whispered secrets to get me through the days.
–Be strong and courageous.
–Do not be afraid.
–Nothing can separate you from My love.
–I have plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
–Trust Me!  Press into Me! Cling to me.
–I can calm the waves.  I can calm your heart.
–Stand firm!
–Let me bless you with My grace and My peace.
–Let not your heart be troubled.  Trust in Me.
–Come to Me with your heavy burden.
–My Strength is made perfect in your weakness.
–I am interceding for you when you don’t even know what to say.
–I will never leave you alone!  I will be with you always!

I’m thankful for the whispers and the blessings.  And if there weren’t the struggles I might have missed these blessings.

Now…for the fleshly human moment…some times…I think I’d rather get my blessings and whispers from somewhere else!  Waiting for that transformation day when I will be able to say thank you for the struggles.  But…I’m not there yet!  I am not thankful for those struggles.  But I am thankful that in the midst of them God is faithful.


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Renee

    Your son was such a sweetie last night; he brought a certain someone a milkshake from Sonic after working at the set shop

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