Overwhelmed and Exhausted

We have been through a lot of stuff in our lives!  And there have been times that we felt overwhelmed.  However, I can be very certain…none of those overwhelming moments compare to where we have been for over a week.  I honestly do not know how much longer we can hold out doing what we are doing.  But…I don’t know what the other side of this brings either.  I have no words for what is going on in our lives.  The only words I can manage to come up with are hopeless and terrified!

I’m comforted to know that when we don’t know what to say we can simply speak the name of Jesus.  That’s where we’ve been.  Can’t utter prayers because we can’t collect our thoughts enough to turn them into prayers.  But we can speak the name of Jesus.

Right now it doesn’t feel like He is at work in our lives.  But He’s gotta be. 

I can’t share details now.  But please pray that God would give us wisdom, comfort, and rest.


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.