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We have some happenings going on around here.  Thankfully, they aren’t major happenings.  Just wearing us thin happenings.

Zine’s Happenings

Zine has been battling a very hefty dose of depression.  I try to be understanding and nice during these depressive moods.  However, sometimes I get so weary and epically fail as a wife!

Zine has also had therapy coming twice a week.   Thankful they come to our home for therapy.  He has had some major circulation issues going on in his feet.  So he now elevates his feet when he sleeps!  Imagine sleeping with your head down and your feet up!

Zine has had a headache most all day today and tonight his eyes burn like he has fever.  So we are definitely praying that he is not getting sick!  As of right now, he doesn’t have fever.

Conner’s Big Happening

Conner is graduating in two weeks!  I am honestly ready for this!  I am excited to watch him in his next season of life!  However, graduating brings much grief in my heart as it relates to my  own parents.  I know it is not possible to come, but it does bring grief to my heart.

Krisann’s Happenings

Krisann has been making huge progress lately.  She is beginning to have some self regulation when it comes to her anger and frustration level and we are incredibly excited to see these improvements.  Her anxiety is still high, but we are learning ways to better parent her in her anxiety.  Sometimes we are slow learners!  And some really good news…the child is finally sleeping in her bed all night at times.  She continues to be a delight to our family!

Chloe’s Happenings

Chloe had an appointment with dermatologist this past week.  She was diagnosed with tinea versicolor.  This is the reason behind the rash she has developed that has continued to spread lately.  While this is not a major ordeal, it is just one more thing for her to deal with.  It is common for it to be a recurrent condition.  So my mom heart just goes really how many things does this girl have to deal with!??

Chloe has been battling a headache for 13 days now.  We have tried all avenues and she continues to struggle.  Her emotional status is beginning to wear thin.  And so is mom’s!  I fear that a hospital admission in her future unless God intervenes.  So we are definitely asking for God to bring healing to her body.

Karen’s Happenings

All these family happenings are creating a sense of resentment, loss and weariness in my heart at times.  Most days I roll with the flow with good spirits.  Occasionally, I hit a bump in the road and fail as a wife, mom, and daughter.  I’ve had several of those moments this week!  I’m super thankful for those moments when I get to visit someone in the hospital, deliver a meal to someone, or take goodies to a friend or neighbor.  These are all things that allow me to feel like I lead a normal life.  My eating has been great the past week!  I have a list of to dos around this house!  Krisann told me the other day, you sure do have a lot of projects to do this summer!  I’m afraid she’s correct, there might not be enough summer!

Keep Hoping, Keep Searching, Keep Believing

So in the middle of our now normal happenings, what do we do…we keep hoping for a cure for MS, MD, headaches, anxiety, and depression.  Keep searching for how we can love others in the middle of our crazy, broken lives.  Keep searching for truths that God wants to reveal to us.  Keep believing even when we don’t feel like believing.  Keep believing that God has a plan to prosper us.  Keep believing that His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  That’s what we do in the middle of these family happenings!



Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.