Finishing Up Chemo

As I write this, Day 4 is complete!  And Day 5 is in progress.

Zine continued to have side effects that just make him feel very bad.  We got back to the room Thursday and it took us a bit to settle down.  Zine was very uncomfortable.  He asked for meds and when Zine asks for meds we know it is bad!!  But he finally settled down and slept for couple of hours.  He woke up about 6:30 and said I think I need to wake up to sleep.

We have had numerous struggles everyday.  Each day has brought a new heartache or struggle.  I am pretty certain it has been the MOST difficult week of my life!!

We have not posted any pictures because that has just been such an awful experience.  But here’s a pic that in a nutshell gives some insight into how we have felt this week.  And at least Zine has his eyes open in this picture.  Zine has slept a lot this week or he has laid with his eyes closed from just feeling so bad!

But last night brought a renewed sense of accomplishment for a few minutes.   It’s almost over!  And then we quickly realized this part was almost over but there was more to this season.  As we began to discuss how to live upon our arrival, we began to discuss the many, many precautions that needed to be taken.  And it quickly sent us, back to that place of this is going to be difficult.  And when we get home, there will be no one else to tell us what to do!  We will be on our own.  Feeling a bit overwhelmed by that at the moment!  We have needed much wisdom and guidance this week.  And to think about going home and getting back to it on our own is a bit overwhelming!  But we do have a nurse that we can call 24 hours a day so that helps a little bit.  But I’m anxious about returning home.  Not only are we going home and preparing to protect Zine from illness as much as we can, we are going home to a 6 year old with head lice!   So that brings an entire other level of stress.

Pray for us as we return home today.  Pray that Zine will make return trip okay.  Usually after chemo things are really rough.  So just pray that God would sustain him on the trip home.

Pray for us as we adjust to the “sterile” environment as much as we can create!  It’s really not in my specialty area!!

Pray for our children as I feel that us returning home, might bring a new level of stress.

Pray that Zine will be protected from illness in the coming weeks.

Thanks for journeying us with us!  And just because we are home, doesn’t mean the season is over. Even as we discussed and prepared last night for coming home, we realized that this is definitely NOT over.


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.