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A New Heartache

Life has been marching forward at full speed, and then out of the blue, a new heartache emerges.  Isn’t that how heartaches work?  You’re just marching along doing life, and then out of nowhere, something enters your world that brings heartache and unrest.  Sometimes I wish there was construction ahead sign or maybe a yellow flashing warning light, danger ahead.  Do you think a warning sign would make heartaches any less frequent or less painful?

Just Marching Along

Three weeks ago, Zine had MRI scans and a doctor’s appointment.  Things went well.  I think the way to describe the appointment would be status quo.  Nothing different, nothing has changed.  Zine still has MS.  There are no further treatments at this time.  Enjoy life to the fullest while dealing with life-debilitating MS.

This might be limping along.

On the same day of that appointment, Krisann was staying at a friend’s house, and during a balloon game, somehow someway, her foot was fractured.  She was not too happy at first as you can see here,


but she has quickly adjusted, and it has not slowed her down.  I couldn’t be more proud of how she has handled this. Her gymnastics three times a week routine has not slowed down either.  These pictures show her on the beam, but she’s been on the bars a lot as well.

Rolling Along

This girl started college.  It has not come without some bumps in the road, but she is adjusting, and we think doing well.  She’s not so sure she agrees!  She has been having more pain since coming off the prednisone she has taken for years.  So we are trying to treat the pain with another medicine.  We are working through all the possibilities before agreeing to a baclofen pump.  Discussion of a pump has occurred before. However, I think we are super close to it becoming a reality.

A 21-year-old

And this young man turned 21 this week!  I’m not sure how it was his birthday, but I was the one that felt old.

He and his dad had a very special time on his birthday.  I won’t go into details about their special time, but it was indeed special for both of them.  I’m thankful they were able to experience this step into adulthood together.

A New Heartache

Monday evening brought a new heartache. I don’t want to type these next words.  I don’t want to say what the new heartache is.  There is something in me that wants to rebel and say this is not happening.  However, it did happen.  And it is probably going to happen again, and again, and again.

Krisann has been seeing some “lines” in her vision.  This summer, I took her to the eye doctor, and they couldn’t uncover anything.  They suggested that it might be optical migraines.  She’s also had some headaches that have been significant enough to take Tylenol, and she HATES taking medicine.

However Monday evening, Krisann had a migraine.  I became acutely aware that it was a migraine when her head became very light sensitive.  For about nine hours, this girl struggled with a horrid headache, and then she was left with the “weird” feeling.  I’ve never had a migraine so I can’t explain what that is exactly.  But Chloe knows all too well, this “weird” feeling you have after a migraine has subsided.

The doctor confirmed our fear, Krisann did have her first migraine.  We believe the lines she has seen and the headaches she has been having are all part of the development of migraines.

Chloe has felt horrible that Krisann has migraines.  Krisann has found much comfort in Chloe.

Today, Krisann said it so wisely, “I think I’m in shock.”  Yes, sweet girl, I think you are.  I think we all are.  Our hearts are broken at the thought of our little one having migraines.  We are scared of the impact it will have on her very active life.  I know some people have migraines every once in a while, and they are not life-altering.  The migraines we have experienced in our home have been life-altering and traumatic.  Therefore, it is expected that we would be super concerned about this new heartache.

Pray for us as we process and as we experiment in the coming months with migraine abort medications.  Pray that Krisann could master swallowing pills.  She needs to be able to do that!!  She swallows half of a Benadryl but much larger than that and she struggles.  I am so concerned over my sweet girl.  Pray that God would protect her heart from fear and that He would fill us all with a peace that He does not make mistakes.  Frankly, sometimes it feels like His perfection is not displayed in my family. Ultimately we pray for healing and no more migraines for this sweet girl.



Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Kent Thompson

    Very sorry about Krisann. Praying for healing for her. Praying for relief and healing for Chloe. May continue to hold your whole family in his ever loving arms.
    God bless.
    Kent & Donna

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