Day Two

Last night was definitely horrid!  None of us slept much at all!  Zine was definitely one sick guy!!!  He had some respiratory problems last night as well as just restless.  

Today, he slept for probably 3 or 4 hours while there.  He was awake for awhile, we made it back here and he slept some more.  He’s been awake for couple of hours and we must get on shower and nighttime routine soon! That’s not the easiest task to say the least.  Getting in the bed and getting out of the bed is very hard too!  Soooooo glad I have some good strong muscles with me.  It’s very nice to feel like I’m not the only caretaker.  And it has been nice to be cared for as well!  Now sometimes when I’m being cared for myself, I balk a little bit.  But I am learning to listen!

Today at the end of chemo, Zine’s blood pressure was raised as well as his heart rate.  He also had low grade fever.  They say those things are side effects of the chemo.  So we are not surprised.

He has talked some this evening.  So that says he feels a bit better than last night.  But I”m not sure you could get a lot worse than last night!  It was incredibly difficult.

Our children have definitely been concerned!  Krisann has really struggled!  So we mustered up energy to FaceTime with them tonight!  I hope it helps them settle some.  But it took about every ounce of energy to do that!

Continue to pray.  It is definitely a challenging week!  We are pleased with how Zine has tolerated the chemo.  Although difficult, we haven’t had any near death experiences!  So for that we are grateful.  Now last night I was worried…his heart was having to work really hard!  At 3:30 I was up checking respirations and everything!

We are simply put exhausted emotionally and physically!  Very very tender and emotional to say the least!  Decisions are near impossible for us to make.  We’ve both had tears today!  So we definitely continue to cherish your prayers for continued health physically and emotionally.

You guys are keeping us going with your texts and prayers.  Please know if we don’t respond to text, we have read them and they are each special!!  It literally keeps us going sometimes!!  So thank you so much to those that have texted or messaged us!   We are a bit short in our responses I know.  But once again, please understand we are overwhelmed and exhausted.  But we are very grateful for all the texts, messages, and prayers!!  Please keep us going the rest of the week.   I think the longer we are here, the harder it gets for me to be away from my kids!  But I love their eyes in this picture.  I will look at those eyes a gazillion times between now and Friday!

Good night friends!  We must prep for another early morning!  And another long day!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.