Cared For Well

There is much to be said for having doctors and nurses that truly care about you.  It just makes for a much more pleasant experience when you feel cared for.  And despite the many medical stresses, we have been blessed with wonderful medical care!!

Zine’s neurologist in Cullman is the most compassionate, tender hearted doctor I have ever been with.   This past visit, Dr. L came in and pulled up a chair beside Zine and just said I’m sorry!  Tell me about it!  And he just sat for awhile with Zine and listened.  He nodded his head but was super super sad with us. We have had more than one experience with Dr. L where we have seen his compassion come shining through.  He regularly asks, how’s your marriage?  He will ask Karen how are you holding up through all this.  Just filled with compassion!  And for that we will forever be grateful.

At The Cancer Center we have yet to meet a nurse that is having a bad day!  They are all so friendly and upbeat.  We don’t see them enough to develop a relationship with them but while we are in their care we are cared for well.

And then…there’s Angela.  Angela has stolen our hearts!  I never will forget the day we spent an ENTIRE day in the office with her.  She watched us struggle through a VERY difficult decision.  She even said we could leave the building go across the street and have a drink with no condemnation whatsoever!  We just had to come back with a decision made!  She has encouraged Zine to look beyond how he has done things in the past to how he can do new things today.  She has given him practical ideas and really spoken to his self condemnation.  She has loved us both well!  Even when I feel a bit panic about Zine having a staph infection…Angela is as calm as a cucumber!  Angela is a blessing in our lives.  She makes getting cath tubes changed every month a bit more pleasant experience.  And we always look forward to our visits with her.   For some reason, today, Angela has been on my heart.  So Angela, I’ve prayed for you on and off all day today!  So maybe you all reading will join me in praying that whatever tomorrow brings, that Angela would be blessed over and over again! We would love for sweet Angela to have the best day ever tomorrow!

Don’t get me wrong…Zine hates his cath!  6 months later he is finally not terrified of it!  He would rather not go see Angela every  month to get tubes changed out.  But she makes such an unpleasant experience much much better!

When we are feeling discouraged, we can always look at how these people make a positive difference in our lives!  And we can always be grateful for the impact each of them play in our lives.  And as our prayer is always, may we make a difference for Jesus in their lives and may they see us live out our faith in the most difficult of situations.


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.