That is some of the very little Spanish I know. The very little. My knowledge of Spanish doesn’t go far beyond that phrase. That is really sad given that one of my grandfathers was fluent and would even dream in Spanish. Many times he would use Spanish for
interjections while working on the
Forney place farm. Especially during hay season. (All of this could have been skipped as it has nothing to do with the blog. I just wanted to include
Schoolhouse Rock.)
I Am Second has become the hip new Christian community thing..
Think back to these days of the 90’s |
I have been impressed by the testimonies that are shared with video and the stories told. Most of them from what I would say are B-list celebrities. Some of them I have never heard of. Including Kaká.
(I am an American so it is spelt football and is played with an oblong ball that you carry and pass, not a round one that you kick.)
He is likely very famous to most of the world from
fùtball. I had never heard of him. His story is significantly different from mine. I have never been a celebrated athlete. I’ve never had fame or fortune. I’ve never been respected for my talents by my peers and the world at large. I have had taken from me what I work at and have defined myself by. I have had my career taken due to physical damage. His testimony hit me between the eyes and had me in tears. (But I do cry like a little girl.)
Given what I expressed in the last blog entry it would appear that the LORD is seeking for me to understand and believe His truth about me. I take that back. He is seeking for me to BELIEVE His truth about me. (I already understand/know His truth. I just don’t walk in it.
It is the problem of eighteen inches between the heart and head that are more like an ultramarathon. Your reality is what you believe and what you believe is shown by how you walk.) #headToHeart
All of this being typed, I do highly recommend visiting the I Am Second page and reading the stories and watching the videos. Very encouraging and challenging.