New Additions to Our Home

Nope….let’s get one thing straight…I am not pregnant!!  We are not having babies!   It’s not that kind of addition!  Just thought I’d take a minute to share some new medical equipment we have in our home now!  We are not done yet.  But we have some additions that are proving VERY helpful!!

 First you will notice some bathroom modifications.  We are so thankful that when we redid our house to make Krisann a space, that we went ahead and remodeled our bathroom!  So so so grateful that we did not have to do a HUGE renovation project.  But even though we made our bathroom accessible, it is still the room where we have the most falls.  So…we have added some more rails as you get ready to go into the shower area.  We also have had two men who have worked several many hours on raising our toilet up!  Amazing what a few more inches on a toilet will do for you!  Still needs some cleaning up a bit but it is finally done!  That was a project that should have been simple but turned out to be very time consuming and frustrating I know!  But much thanks to the two friends who stuck with it until the end!!  Well, I do need a new handle now!  But surely I can do that!! I’m sure if Noel reads this he will shake his head and say I definitely do NOT need to do that!  That guy has fixed several things this week that I messed up!!  Maybe remodeling and engineering are not my strong suits!

 This recliner has been a huge blessing!  I wasn’t certain about it at first as I had to do some rearranging of the furniture.  However, Zine sleeps very well in this chair!  And as Zine has lost a lot of skills just in the past month, this has been a big blessing for him.  Now…he’d like to argue that he doesn’t like it!  But…that’s just on the reason why we have it.

This next piece of equipment is probably the one that is the most benefit.  But it is also the piece that stirs the most emotion in me!  So far as we have made modifications to our house, they have blended right in.  Well, this, it doesn’t blend in.  It screams a handicap person lives here!  It has made tears come to my eyes several times.  But despite the emotional side of it, this is a HUGE help for getting in and out of the bed.  Even with this handle it is still difficult to get in and out of the bed, but it has helped make the process easier for sure!!

We have a few more items to come!  Another item is going to scream a handicap person lives here as well.  Those that scream a handicap person lives here…they are harder to embrace but really are the most beneficial for us to have.  So…we will continually look and be reminded of where we are.  I wonder if we will ever just look over the big pole in our bedroom now?  Will it just become normal?

But at the same time, I am grateful for these resources that are helping us!  Thankful for people who know exactly what we need!  Thankful for people who are willing to spend hours raising a toilet up to make it easier and safer to sit on.   Thankful for people who have helped us financially be able to afford equipment.  Thankful for those who loan us medical equipment as well!

And who knows….with a pole like this in your bedroom…you might get some entertainment.  After all, it does just scream for a stripper/pole dancer number!!!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Renee

    I want to see your pole dance Karen

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