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Little Things Make a Big Difference

Often, it’s the little things that make a big difference.

Pedicure Dates

Many months ago, I made the decision I don’t cut toenails.  Yep, I load my husband up and off we go to get pedicures!  Don’t laugh!  You ladies would give anything for your husband to go on a date with you and get nails done!  I know you’re jealous!  Might be the only time that Zine and I go on a date but we have a date about every six weeks and enjoy sitting beside each other in big blue chairs while someone else scrubs our feet, trims our nails, massages our legs, and paints my nails!  Zine happily declines the polish part!  It’s not big, it’s not fancy, it’s not romantic.  It is simple, but it makes a big difference in our relationship.  Fun outings together are essential in your marriage!  I can be grumpy about what we can’t do, or I can choose to be grateful for the simple things we do!  A pedicure is one of those little things that makes a big difference!  It definitely saves arguments, crooked nails, cut toes, and lots of bad wife words!

Know what else I like about this outing?  I don’t have to put his shoes on.  I take him in his chair in his sock feet!  Why put on shoes when you’re just going to have to take them off again?  So, it’s like the only place I can take him and not have the dreaded task of putting on his shoes.

The Dreaded Task of Putting on Shoes

Let me give you insight into putting on shoes.  I sit down on the floor right in front of him.  Untie the shoes and loosen the strings.  However, I don’t just slide his shoes right on.  One foot leans inward making it difficult to get his foot in a shoe.  His toes stick up so as I get the shoe halfway on; now his toe is sticking up and stopping me from putting the shoe the rest of the way on.  After pushing toes down and tugging some more now it’s time to slip it over his heel.  Ummm…that’s much easier said than done.  His poor shoes!  The back part of his tennis shoes have been folded under, scrunched up, cursed at, and many more things!  Good thing he doesn’t have much feeling because if my shoes felt like his did on the back heel, I wouldn’t wear them!

I’ve tried shoe horns!  I’ve tried every trick known to man.  The process of getting his shoes on is HARD!

But today, that all changed.  Chloe Smith found some shoes, ordered them, and just made my life soooo much simpler.  A little thing that has made all the difference in my life.

Cool Shoes

She found this shoe.  Not only did she see it, but she ordered it!  They have fake ties.  So no tying shoes for me.  And the best part, they unzip around the back of the heel.  Holy guacamole!  I didn’t know these existed.  I would have never bought them even if I did.  But y’all it has made me ecstatic today!  This little shoe rocks my world!  Go ahead and laugh that I am just giddy over a pair of shoes that aren’t even my shoes!  However, if you had experienced the headaches I have had over putting shoes on, you would be giddy right alongside me.

Enjoy the video coverage of my excitement!

In case you need a list of little things:

–a gift card stuck in a pocket or purse unexpectedly

–an encouraging note that arrives in a mailbox on an awful day

–a drive through challenge, so the person behind you gets a free meal

–a plate of cookies shared with your neighbor down the street

–a pan of lasagna split between your house and your neighbor’s

–a box of donuts left on a porch

–a text message to tell someone you’re thinking about them

Little things can make big differences!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Beth Edwards

    These shoes rock- can you share a link- these would make so many peoples lives easier

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