Half of our 2nd Mayo Day

Wednesday Update #1

Okay, I have few minutes in waiting room to send update. It has been a busy day. We had breakfast at 7 am and haven’t even had time for lunch! So I’m guessing we’ll get a chance in a bit to have lunch and dinner together. We are both quite exhausted today!

We got up at 5:45 this morning to be at hospital by 6:55. It’s very cold here today!! Haven’t seen the snow they predicted. Thinking it is just north of us. But the wind chill is terrible. It’s about 42 degrees with 40 mph winds. We have definitely wanted our coats. Even the waiting rooms have been cold today. He had a slew of blood tests done this morning. So we weren’t able to eat before those. So we had breakfast in the hospital cafeteria. Had we known we wouldn’t have lunch I think we would have ate more though! We then had just a little time where we just sat and talked and caught up on emails and had plenty of time to talk to our children. He then had a very detailed MRI of his brain and full spine! We waited almost an hour and then the MRI took 2 hours.
As I write this Zine is having his EMG and Nerve Conduction Studies done. Those are the tests I have been dreading for him. So I’ll be glad for him to get those done! He says he is not dreading them. Don’t know if that’s a totally accurate statement though! One has to maintain as much of their manliness as they can even in this situation. :o)
I will send another update as to how these last two tests went later today. But, posting this will make my post tonight easier.
Just pray for our endurance. We are both running low right now. But hopefully, when we get this done and we can venture around and get some food in us. That might help a lot!
Some of you have asked about our kids…they seem to be doing well. Conner misses us I can tell. He said Krisann is doing well though. Chloe is looking forward to her school day on Friday. I left them plenty of projects to do to keep them busy. I also have been sending them emails along letting them know what’s going on and what we are doing. Can I just say…it’s weird to send your child an email and then sign it mom. I have to erase my name everytime and put mom at the end!! But it’s a way I can keep them in the loop and of course, they love to get email! My in laws seem to be holding up well. The terrible weather had them a little on edge yesterday. I told my mother in law this morning that I didn’t like my children being there in storms and I not being with them. She assured me very quickly she didn’t like it either! But other than the stress of the weather, I think they are holding up very well!
Will post another update tonight on the remainder of our day and a glimpse of our day tomorrow. Thanks for journeying with us thru this difficult season of life.


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.