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Glimpse of Our Week


This week we have celebrated our 23rd anniversary.  By doing absolutely nothing.  For both of us, anniversaries are bittersweet.  We are super grateful that our marriage has survived the ups and downs of life.  But it is surely not the life we dreamed or desired.  Going places is difficult and stressful.  So we find ourselves staying at home.  We do have a special love for each other.  Maybe we will celebrate our 25th Anniversary.  This year, we just enjoyed a day of rest together.


We have celebrated Chloe’s 17th birthday.  The past two years Chloe’s birthday has been ruined.  Two years ago, I took Zine to the hospital and he literally almost died.  He spent a week in ICU!  And she was recovering from having her wisdom teeth out.  So it was a dud of a birthday for her.  Last year, I ended up in the ER with her on her birthday with her very first headache.  Needless to say, we didn’t celebrate last year either.  But this year, we actually were able to celebrate her birthday.  This was a huge deal to her.  Biscuits and gravy for breakfast (her absolute favorite!).  Round steak for dinner.  (her request)  Then we went bowling.  It turned out to be quite a bowling adventure.  A mom with a bummed shoulder and a dad in a wheelchair trying to bowl were probably quite hilarious.  We both ended up using the ramp and pushing our ball down!  Then the computer messed up and we were running out of time so the last ten minutes was pure mayhem.  It just added to the fun of the evening though!  I think her most treasured time of her birthday was that her brother came in her room and spent time with just her.


Back in the Groove

We have also spent this week trying to get back in the groove.  I have enjoyed my summer of no routine.  However, this week, life changed.  School resumed.  Or at least I tried to resume my school.  I had lesson plans and everything.  And of course, things didn’t go as I had planned and I didn’t get everything on my lesson plan checked off.  But I knew I was quite ambitious when I made that list!  We even made dad join in the homeschooling fun!

This year is very different though.  There are no homeschool lesson plans for Conner.  There’s no prep work for Conner.  Conner is beginning college full-time this coming week.   He is staying at home and attending UAH.  However, the changes are still great.  The girls have had a very difficult time with him being gone so much.  It has been a summer of adjustment for sure.  And I’m sure there are more adjustments to come.  I am super nervous and super excited for his next season of life.

Between going back to school, last minute trips to financial aid office at UAH, a trip to the IRS office for needed paperwork for financial aid office, to multiple physical therapy appointments, as well as some ministry time, it has been a busy week.  This afternoon, I found myself sitting down to write, but instead, I took a nap.  It was a much-needed nap.

This coming week looks to be a quieter week.  I say that with much hesitancy.  Here you never know when things are going to change.  They can be fine one minute and not the next.  Literally, Zine missed a transfer last week and as fast as you could snap your finger he was on the floor.  Thankfully, he wasn’t hurt and thankfully between the gait belt and Jesus I got him up.  A rare occurrence that I can do that by myself for sure.  So literally that fast life can change here.

Other Adventures

I am trying to finish up my book proposal.  I have one more chapter to write, which I should have been working on this afternoon when I was napping.  Desiring to get that complete so that I can work on some other things.  Things like building my platform, some online training conferences, time to work on vision and ministry goals, etc.  But first things first, I want to finish my proposal.

I also am planning a trip to Arkansas to visit my parents.  I received a picture this week and my mom looks so frail and I am definitely ready to have some time to spend with them.  My dad has begun to complain of headaches this week.  My mom’s health continues to decline.  For me, some days, there are numerous phone calls or texts as it relates to my parents.  Other days it’s really quiet on my end. My prayer all along is that I would love them well in this season.  Some days I struggle with what that looks like.  Other days I know exactly how to do that!

God at Work in Me

As you can see, life is busy!!  But something amazing is happening in me.  God is working in my heart in incredible ways.  This week has been crazy busy and I have not felt well for sure, but God has been allowing me to live out what He has taught me over the past couple of years.  Walk in His strength.  Hold plans loosely.  Love Him and Love Others.  Loving others has been high on my priority list lately.  I think at She Speaks, the message was drilled in my head your ministry is right where you are.  I’m grateful that God has been showing me ways to love others right where I am.  From late night conversations with new friends to dessert at Chili’s to visit with a waitress, to hugs and cuddles for my kiddos, to conversations with my son pointing him to how God has worked instead of being frustrated, God has been showing me how I can love others right where I am.

Challenged to Love Others Even in the Midst of Busyness

In the midst of your own busyness, how are you loving others?  Or are you like I used to be?  So tied up in your own life that you think you don’t have time to love others?  God is challenging me with choosing to love others in the midst of my busyness.



Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. John Opsteegh

    You, Zine, and the family are in my constant prayers….

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