Final Results at Mayo

Well, I guess I’ll give you the facts first…we definitely did not hear what we wanted to hear.  Zine indeed has Primary Progressive MS. There’s not a darn thing that can be done. The dr. here even says we are wasting our time with the drug he is currently taking. There are no real clinical trials being done either. He painted a very bleak picture.  I finally asked a very difficult question…I asked how long before Zine would lose his ability to walk…the answer was 5 to 10 years.  The doctor was very nice. He didn’t even bring his fellow into the room today. He never once made the truth look happy but he was exceptionally nice. The doctor also reaffirmed to us that this definitely took a toll on a marriage. He talked to us about the relationship side of it as well. So we decided we were on the lifetime plan in counseling instead of the long term plan.  Our emotions are exceptionally raw. We had so hoped that even if they did confirm our diagnosis that there would be something here to treat or know of something. Instead we were told absolutely nothing.

Please pray for us as journey home tomorrow. Our flights are very tentative. It may be Saturday before we get there. But we’re leaving this place tomorrow. We are ready to get out of here. It has been a great wonderful place but after our last appointment we just want to be at home and with our kids. Our travel plans are in God’s hands. So please just pray that God would get us home before our babies go to bed. The earliest we could get there would be about 7:15. But it could be 11:00 or later or Saturday.

Thanks for praying for us. Please don’t let your prayers stop with the conclusion of our trip. We need your continued prayers.


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.