Family Time and Book Launch

I have been focused the past few weeks on family time and book launch.

Family Time and Book glimpse into some of my family time and book launch. #awifelikeme #dearwifebook #strengtheningmarriages #godlywives #author

Family Time

Spring Break brought a time for me to slip away to Arkansas to check in on my dad.  A little over a year ago, my dad was diagnosed with dementia.  Last fall, he qualified for hospice services due to heart failure and dementia.  December brought some pretty significant health issues, but thankfully, those have settled down.  Dad seems to be doing much better right now.  He uses a cane and uses oxygen at times.  I discovered he doesn’t have the stamina that he once did for sure.  I was grateful to be with him for a couple of days and have the blessing of cleaning up his flower beds and planting something that he has previously loved.

Family Time and Book glimpse into some of my family time and book launch. #awifelikeme #dearwifebook #strenghteningmarriages #godlywives #authorFamily Time and Book glimpse into some of my family time and book launch. #awifelikeme #dearwifebook #strenghteningmarriages #godlywives #authorFamily Time and Book glimpse into some of my family time and book launch. #awifelikeme #dearwifebook #strenghteningmarriages #godlywives #author

This weekend I had the blessing of hosting my inlaws for a couple of days.  Well, hosting may not be accurate.  They are very self-sufficient when they are here.  I think they are afraid of my cooking!  😉  Because Zine is not able to travel 10 hours, they come to see him!  There are many things about Zine having MS that we hate.  His parents having to come here to visit him is one of those! I didn’t even think to get pictures of their time here.

Also, my family has spent a good bit of time watching March Madness.  This has been something new for our family.  However, it has been something that I think all of us have enjoyed.  I am sad to see it come to a close.  However, I think for my ever growing to do list, it is probably in my best interest that it doesn’t last forever.

Applying some of my Eating Disorder Therapy

I am learning to implement some of my eating disorder therapy.  I learned through ED treatment that I didn’t know how to sit down.  I was in constant movement, even at home.  A lot of my therapy was centered on learning to take care of me.  Learning to slow down and rest.  Learning to enjoy family time.  Learning to do fun things again.  These seem like reasonable things for most people, but for me, they were unheard of activities.  Sitting down to watch a basketball game is a new thing for me.  Learning to listen to my body when it is exhausted is a new thing.  After my trip to Arkansas, I chose to skip school with Krisann because my body was screaming that it was drained.  These two events are examples that I am learning!  There’s still much to learn, but I love seeing a little bit of change.

Dear Wife Book Launch

I have posted on my social media but haven’t shared via my blog about Dear Wife.  Dear Wife is a book compiled by some of our writing team at A Wife Like Me.  Many of you know for the past year, I have been writing to wives over at A Wife Like Me.  Amanda, our friend and leader, has walked with us through the compilation and publishing our first book.  Dear Wife is 26 invitations for wives to connect deeper with their Heavenly Father and with their spouse.  We take a look at how Jesus connected with those around him, and we apply it to how we relate with our spouse.  The past few weeks, we have been asking for Ambassadors to join our launch team.

As an ambassador, we ask that you share graphics via social media over the next month and help us get the word out about Dear Wife. Our launch team officially kicks off tomorrow, April 1.  So if you want to join the fun, I suggest you join today!  We have a facebook group for our launch team.  We will be giving away goodies for our team members and sharing fun times.  We will be sharing graphics and more information about how you can help us get this book into the hands of wives.  I believe in this book so much.  If wives will read, take the time to let Jesus work in their hearts, and apply what they are learning to their marriage, it is sure to change marriages all over this world.

Family Times and Book glimpse into my time with family and preparing for a book launch. #awifelikeme #dearwifebook #author #makingadifference #strengtheningmarriages #godlywives

Finding Routine Again

I am hoping to find routine again this week.  I got off track the past two weeks, but am feeling the need to get back into our routine this week.  Sometimes, I think routine is something I dream of having and strive for but never quite get there.



Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.