Doctors Doctors and More Doctors…Embracing a busy week

As I look forward into this week and next week, I am so glad that we have had a peaceful weekend together. And I’m so thankful for a worship service that we all attended today for the first time since January 31. We had a little outside lunch at McAlister’s after church. It was so refreshing! And I just have to say…we have been through hell and back since Feb. 1. But through these last few months, God has grown Zine and mine relationship in sweet ways! God has been working in both our lives. One day we will be ready to share what God has done and is doing!

I’m preparing now for a whirlwind of activity over the next two weeks. It’s going to be one of those seasons where God is going to have to sustain my weary body.

Monday morning we have a follow up with the orthopedic surgeon. Not sure exactly what to expect as we’ve only seen this doctor in the hospital. But pray for us as we go. Pray that the dr. will have great wisdom into Zine’s healing process.  I will follow that up with a visit to the nutritionist who is helping me with my eating issues. So Monday will be busy!  

On Tuesday, Chloe has appt with occupational therapist.

And Wednesday, Zine has a follow up with the urologist. He seems to be keeping a UTI these days. And that could have attributed to a very long night he had on Tuesday of this past week. He had what they call MS Hug. The only way he can describe it is to think of someone coming up and hugging/squeezing you really really hard and never letting go. It lasted so long on Tuesday that we resorted to ice packs to try to help with the symptoms!

And then he woke up at 3:00 in the morning with another MS hug. Needless to say, these leave him feeling really bad. So the issue of constant UTIs must be addressed.

On Thursday, Chloe has counseling.

On Friday, Chloe has appt with psychiatrist. And Zine and I must make a trip to the Cancer Center for his port to be flushed.

And never fear….the following week…I will be making a trip to Ohio with Chloe where she will have her big cardiac MRI on Tuesday and then on Wednesday will see a gazillion doctors and therapists. Will return home on Thursday night and Zine has an appt on Friday in Cullman!

Whew…just a glance at what’s coming up for us! So….I think you can continue to pray for us that God would continue to work in our hearts and that we would learn all He has for us to learn. And…pray for His sustaining grace as we conquer the many medical appointments on the horizon. We love each of you that follow our life saga. And we are so grateful for the prayers you offer on our behalf!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.