Chemo Day One

Well, we have almost survived this day in pieces.   We have conquered one mountain, and then another and then another.  We still have to shower and do night time routine which is going to be very difficult I forsee.  But…thankfully I have great help!!!!!  Thank you Jesus!!

I have had a horrible day to say the least.  Cried bucket loads numerous times today.  Just about fainted.  Really thought I was going to while nurse was going over the details.  Was glad someone was behind me that I could lean against.  But have been loved well in this difficult place.  Our pastor has done a fantastic job of loving me and loving Zine!  Lisa Peck has been with us today and she too has been loving well.  Despite the fact, she doesn’t like my eating habits!!!  ðŸ™‚

Zine was quite a bit amped up from the steroids he got before chemo.  He also thrives in a group setting unlike me!!  So he talked almost the entire 7 hours we were there.  He tolerated the chemo well.  His heart rate went up but not to a point that they had to do anything about it.

He definitely doesn’t feel well tonight.  Seems to be dizzy or maybe just weak!  He’s kinda achy.  Says he feels like parts of his body are going to sleep.  Not real comfortable I don’t think.  But the guy never complains so it’s hard to get an accurate view!  And he’s not sick unless he is throwing his toenails up…then you can call him sick.  (I say as I roll my eyes.)  He’s not talking tonight so that says a lot!!! But my perception is that he feels pretty bad!  And based upon the only time he has been up since we got here, I think my perception is quite on target!  ðŸ™‚

Thank you for your prayers.  We continue to cherish them.  It is going to be a long, difficult week.  Not sure I can think of many things in my life that has been as difficult as this has been.  This might be tops!

Know that God is in control of this week!  And am extremely grateful to have some physical help this week! Sorry for the short lack of details update.  Just don’t have it in me to write.  But wanted to be courteous of you who are covering us in prayers.  Keep them coming!!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.