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Big Changes

Some big changes are going on in the Smith Family.  First, this all happened this week!  So it has been a full week!


Conner moves out!

Big Changes-www.glimpsesoffaithandstruggles.comToday our son moved out!  As a parent, our job is to give our kids wings so they can fly.  I have been excited for him to move out and live with a couple of other guys this coming school year.  Being excited about it and then it happening are two entirely different things.  I keep telling myself he still lives in town, we will continue to see him.  However, I know this changes the dynamics of our family.  Therefore, it does come with sadness and excitement.  Krisann has had an incredibly stressful day.  She has made every footstep he has made.  And when he left this evening to head back to his new home, she had a little meltdown.  And when she had a meltdown, my tears couldn’t help but roll!  It’s part of life, and we are so excited that he has this opportunity, but it is big changes here in this house!

Not only does Conner move out, but Chloe turns 18!


We haven’t celebrated her birthday yet because she’s been out of town this weekend.  But sweet Mrs. Allison visited her on her birthday!  I can hardly believe this girl is 18!  Not only did she turn 18, but she and I have been working on something big.  Chloe will be taking a dual enrolled art class through our community college.  This process of enrolling has been a tedious process for someone who struggles immensely with anxiety.  But she’s registered!  Next week, we will visit the art school in Decatur where she will take her first college class.  Big changes!

Zine and I celebrated 24 years of marriage this week!

Big Changes-www.glimpsesoffaithandstruggles

We never get out.  But this week, we had a date.  A sick wife and all, we went out to eat and finally checked out the 2nd and Charles bookstore.  I’ve always said some anniversaries need celebrating more than others.  Thankfully, this year has not been a year of marital strife in my marriage.  Grateful to have this guy around to celebrate our lives together and grieve our lives together.  Sometimes life gives you lemons you do not want!  We know about sour lemons, but we also have experience in loving each other in the midst of those lemons we don’t want!Big

Another big change is that Krisann tried out for an upper-level gymnastics class and she made it!

Technically, it’s just an intermediate class, but you must try out one on one with a coach.  Once again, for a girl with anxiety, the fact that she even went and did it was huge!  Gymnastics has been a wonderful outlet for this girl.  Gymnastics has developed her self-esteem and has taught her how to push through life-stopping anxiety.  Not to mention, this girl needs to move A LOT!  I foresee a lot more gym time in my future!

More big changes are happening in my writing adventures!



This didn’t just happen this week rather in the past few months, I have started writing for the A Wife Like Me Community.  These contributors are an AH-MAZING group of writers who have the heart for marriages.  Not only do we have a blog, a Facebook page, but we also have a Facebook Community Group called A Wife Like Me Gathering.

Have a glimpse of some of the writers you hear from every month over at A Wife Like Me.  Three of us (one not pictured) are from right here in the Tennessee Valley!


I am also now a contributor to a newer group where the focus is on putting your faith beyond your fear.  I think I may have shared my best piece of writing to date in this group this month.

Please take a moment to explore these communities and be encouraged.

I also went to a writing conference a few weeks ago.  Unfortunately, my sickness overshadowed the conference.  However, I persevered and made it to my publisher and agent appointments.  Some great things are going on that I am not ready to share details about, but hopefully, shortly, I will be able to share in detail what God is doing.

I will let you in on a bit of detail, I am in the process of updating my proposal for an agent, and can I say it is the most tender and emotional process I have done in quite awhile.  Writing from shame and pain that left me in a challenging season, has been quite the adventure.  Not only that, the updates were something I never thought I would write about, but right here in the middle of writing adventures, an agent asks for me to do some changing and write about the very thing I swore I would never write. [bctt tweet=”Isn’t it just like God to want to use some of our most tender moments to bless others?” username=”kksmith8694″]

You are also going to see some social media changes in the weeks to come.

As part of my writing adventures, you will start seeing more social media posts from me.  I may ask questions or have polls that need your participation.  This gives publishers and agents an insight into the community I have around me.  Some of your answers will give me guidance in what I write for these books that are on the horizon.

I will have some downloadable content coming in the future; please sign up to receive those when you see them.

Share, share, share my social media posts, please.  The more momentum I have coming through my social media sites, the better.  So as I begin to post encouragements, polls, questions, etc. please share and ask your friends to share as well.  Help me get God’s message out to many!

Big changes can leave us weary!

It has been a week of big changes here and I am feeling weary. This body is worn down and struggling to fight an infection that has been causing me grief for a month now.  So starting this afternoon, I am being deliberate about finding time to rest and allow Christ to speak into my heart!

[bctt tweet=”When your world is full of big changes, it is imperative that you take time to let God quiet your heart and sing His peace over you. ” username=”kksmith8694″]




Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.