Alone, but Loved

COVID has had us feeling quite alone, but loved at the same time.  There have been many moments of life where aloneness was overwhelming.  But this season of COVID, somehow that overwhelming aloneness feeling was replaced with an unexplainable feeling of being loved.

Maybe it was your comments on my FB feed, your prayers, your meals, your late-night run to the store for me, your grocery delivery, your Marco Polo messages, your text messages, that sweet card with stickers and paint chip notes, or maybe it was a combination of all the things.  I can’t explain it, but I am thankful for it.

Allowing God to Use You

I know it doesn’t seem like a lot to you, but I want to say thank you for following God’s promptings by doing the things mentioned above.  You never know how much one little thing can make such an impact in a person’s life.

This morning I was prompted to type and send a prayer to our sweet college friends.  I knew our friend was having a kidney transplant on Thursday.  However, I had no clue what was going on in their lives today.  I didn’t know they were traveling.  I didn’t know my sweet friend was weeping at that very moment, nor did I know they had just pulled over for their son who was suffering from physical symptoms of anxiety. It was after I was obedient to God’s prompting that I learned how powerful and timely my prayer was.

Saturday morning at 4:50 am, I was awakened with a strong urge to pray for Conner.  I didn’t know why I was praying, and I still don’t know why I was urged to pray.  But I know I was wide awake, and I was certain that I was to pray.  I will never know the impact of that prayer, but I know that God uses our prayers, our messages, our acts of kindness, our errands, etc. in mighty ways.

I am convinced that is exactly what has happened around here the past two weeks.  He has used your small, random acts in mighty big ways in our lives.  Alone in this house fighting covid, but loved immensely.  On Monday night, when Zine was so incredibly sick, it could have been your prayer that kept him on this earth.  It could have been that spicy cardboard burrito that saved me from an emotional breakdown.

Thank you for loving us well.

Our Health

We are all on the mend.  The plasma infusion was a lifesaver for Zine.  Although it made him very sick, it has aided his fight against COVID greatly.  As a matter of fact, I was wishing for some plasma this week.  🙂

Tuesday marks the end of our quarantine period.  Poor Krisann has been in quarantine since January 22.  Her gym closed due to a COVID exposure, and when one quarantine period was over another one started.

But y’all, if you have followed my blog, you know how much anxiety she struggles with.  Any routine change has the potential to disrupt her emotions.  God has brought much healing into her life.  She has managed this quarantine after quarantine after quarantine with all the grace in the world.  She was a rock star when Zine was so sick.  She responded to the grave situation with great wisdom.  I love to watch God at work in my children!  She is even missing a gym meet this weekend but immediately found the good in missing.

Now, would you pray for our friends?

I know that we have some of the best prayer warriors around because you have prayed us through numerous difficult life-threatening situations.  We are grateful.

As you pray for us this week, would you lift our friends Phillip and Shannon up to our Father?  Our hearts are so heavy for what they are going to be walking through. Our medical situations are different, but the emotional impact is similar. I know they would cherish your prayers in the coming days.






Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.