Second Half of Day 2 at Mayo

Wednesday Update #2

Okay…let me cut straight to the point. Not once but twice I have typed this update and before I press save I do something and it erases. So you’re not going to get nearly the nice update that I had written.

–Zine did well on his last tests. They weren’t pleasant but they weren’t unbearable either.
–We are exhausted.
–Tomorrow morning he has another test and then hopefully an appt. with a physical therapist.
–Tomorrow at 4:15 we meet back with the neurologist. This is a very critical appt. So please pray for us as we hear results tomorrow at 4:15. It is possible that after that appt. we will be done and ready to come home Friday. But if any of these tests have led them to anything else, then it is possible for them to order more tests. I don’t really know how to ask you to pray but I know that tomorrow could be a critical appointment in our lives. Pray for us emotionally and for the doctors who will be with us. Pray we will have good clear communication. And however else the Lord prompts you to pray.
Tomorrow night I will have real information to update you with. We are very apprehensive about that 4:15 appt tomorrow. The rest of the day is no big deal tomorrow other than that appt. Thanks for journeying with us!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.