Life has been rocking along.
Last year after chemo, God gave us sooo many challenges that this year has been rather easy so far. I say that with much hesitancy in my voice because literally at any minute that can change. But for right now, we’re choosing to be thankful that the only major side effects we are dealing with is fatigue.
Easter Rehab Lesson
We are looking forward to being at home this Easter. A few days ago, I turned our calendar up and the picture above was what greeted me for the month of April. These pictures were taken at Healthsouth Rehab last Easter. There is NOTHING about that time that I rejoice in. I made the statement, “Why in the world did I choose those pictures to put in our calendar? I don’t even want to remember that time. ” And Chloe responded, “well it can just make you grateful that we are not there this year.” YES YES YES!!! In the middle of rocking along, instead of letting something ruffle my feathers, let it make me grateful! Thankful that sometimes God uses my children to turn my heart toward Him.
Speaking of Chloe…
Chloe has been rocking along as well. She has started new headache medicine and her body is definitely struggling to adjust but the the adjustment has not been unbearable. A few days last week of being down and a few days this week as well. But overall, I believe the adjustment has gone a lot better than it could have. She also now has medicine to try when a headache arises. That has been a work in progress to get that medicine. But as of yesterday, we have all the medicine and are prepared for the next headache.
Late night conversations

This picture I had to snap tonight. First thing, our daughter was up and a part of the family today. It has been SOOOOO long since she has felt even halfway decent. We were all super excited for her to be up and part of the family. Second thing, although sometimes we would rather be in bed, we would never trade our late night conversations with our teenagers. All too soon, this season will be over. Zine often misses the late night conversations. Mostly that is a mom blessing. But tonight, Zine was up late and got to partake in the late night blessings!
Headed to Ohio
Chloe and I are headed to Ohio next week. She and I are flying on Tuesday. She will have a cardiac MRI early Wednesday morning. That is the test that tells us how much heart damage she has due to her MD. She’d had no heart damage until last year, when she was started on heart medicine. It will be interesting to see if there has been further damage or if her heart has maintained. She will also see a slew of doctors and therapists each evaluating and treating. I am concerned about leaving Krisann here. However, I couldn’t afford to fly her this time. Pray for she and I both as we are apart. This does not always go well for either of us. It often means lots of tears on her part and lots of phone calls and comforting on my part. Pray for endurance for Chloe and I as we travel and as we endure a long day of tests and doctors visits. Pray for the boys and Krisann that things would go well with them and there would be no hiccups or complications.