Back to hospital

We made another trip to hospital today!

I noticed Wednesday night Zine’s left foot was purple!  However, Thursday morning it looked much better.  However, last night and this morning it was not looking too good.  He’s been carrying lots of fluid in his feet and now one was quite purple.  I decided it warranted a call to the doctor this morning.

Actually—his feet were not this purple.

But the pictures below doesn’t do purple justice either.

And the doctor did think we needed to check it out so he sent us to Madison Hospital for an ultrasound to look for blood clots in his leg!  We have a very special friend there!  And guess who took care of us today…our very special friend!  Talk about an opportunity that God provided for us to be able to say thank you and share how she continues to be a part of our lives on a regular basis!  It was so fun!  She remembered us and we no doubt remembered her!!  We exchanged phone numbers this time!  So our lives will continue to interact with each other….some place other than the hospital!!

It didn’t take long for a phone call from the doctors office.  There was no clot in the legs.  However, the doctor was very concerned!  With Zine’s history of blood clots and the fact that he has just finished chemo, there was great concern that he could have blood clots.  We were told to watch very carefully for any thing different.  And to GO TO the ER and NOT wait until Monday to call the doctor.  I reminded him that last adventure with blood clots Zine almost died and that obviously we weren’t very good at recognizing changes until it was almost too late!!  And that’s why I was very cautiously reminded again that ANY change in his leg, foot, how he felt, fatigue level, short of breath, funky heart beats, etc.  those were all reasons to go to the ER!  The wording used was IF you make it until Monday without going to the ER, we are going to do …… to try to help improve the circulation!  But that sounded like a big IF to me!  But needless to say, I am on watch for any changes.  But…he doesn’t complain so it is so hard to know for sure.  I’ve talked to him about the importance of being honest about how he is feeling!  So I’m definitely praying for great wisdom as we go through our weekend!

I do think getting out wiped him out.  We came home and he settled in for a long nap!  I was grateful to see him resting!!  And going to the hospital and trying not to get any germs is quite an adventure to say the least.  Masks, sanitizer like crazy over and over again…I’m learning how many things we touch in a day can add up when you leave your house!!

3 clean heads today at my house!!!  I was super grateful for that!  However, now that that chaos is settling down, I am crashing!  No energy, don’t want to move, extreme fatigue, and some other physical symptoms as well.  Praying for renewed energy tomorrow!


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.