After effects

My husband is going to kill me for posting these pics!! But I will remind him I could have posted a picture of his permanent cath. . But you guys are walking with us through this journey. Not going to gloss it over for you!! This road although we try to walk with much faith there is a lot of this road that is not easy and not pretty. Zine has taken meds for nausea. He is pale pale pale! And his port just makes me purely ill. His chest is very tender and sore today. When we arrived today he was ready to leave without going in and dreading it!! But he has been sooo much braver than I would be!!!

Ever wonder what a port looks like the day after they place it?

And…the pale face?  Well, here it is!

Oh, and another side effect…his blood counts drop so he’s always exceptionally tired and cold!  Which  means he stays covered up and he sleeps a lot!

Poor guy!  He’s such a trooper to let me put our journey out there!!  And he HATES for his picture to be made!!  And he said that he didn’t give permission for this picture to be taken!  :o)

And…with chemo and low blood counts, a mask is a necessity!  And if you’re gonna wear a mask, why not let your girls decorate it!  I think this deserves the Best Dad Award Ever!!

CHEMO is horrible!  But it saves many people’s lives…so we hope and pray it works for him! 


Wife of 20+ years. Mom to 3 children. Love sharing my life with weary hearts so that we can know the One who is Good, who is in Control, and Whose strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.